Green Life Magnetic Bag Filter Housing
300.00 700.00 600.00 0.00
Price: £730.00 730.00

Green Life
To remove sludge in closed heating, cooling and chilled circuits.

This Stainless steel magnetic bag filter housing by Green Life is a device to remove sludge in closed heating, cooling and chilled circuits.

As water circulates round the system, the magnetic element in the housing attracts the fine metal particles (sludge) that are present in the water and captures the sludge in the bag filter, removing it from the system. The sludge not only slows the flow of water in the system but can cause clogging in pumps and other areas in the sealed system.  

Available in 3 different sizes and flow rates (select size required above)

*NB. No recirculation pump is included in these prices

Filtration thickness: 50 microns are stopped by the filter bag
Polished 304 stainless steel treatment chamber with stainless steel magnetic bars for magnetic metal oxide capture.
Adjustable stainless steel feet
Closing of the cover by M12 wing bolts stainless steel with ball joints and clips, fully dismountable.
Stainless steel basket and  basket holder for holding the filter bag.

Additional information

Set up
Magnetic Bag Filter Housing is set up in derivation on the return of the circuit to be treated. Mounting a balancing valve or a charge pump will force the flow  of the fluid in the filter.
The inlet and outlet isolation valves will also allow to use the filter as a pot for introducing products for the punctual treatments of the circuit.
Draining a low point to facilitate loading of the filter bag and cleaning of the magnetic bars.

Ideal installation
    The filtration station is placed and fixed on the ground by its 3 feet

    The filtration station is placed close to the preparation unit (9)(boiler,..),on the loop return circuit and at a suitable height in order to enable its connection to the unit of preparation and, on the other hand, its     emptying by the drain present on its lower wall (shut off valve(5) and drainage of this drainage water.)

    A shut-off valve will be mounted upstream(2) and downstream (6) of the filtration station to allow for maintenance without interrupting the operation of the plant.

    A water inlet will be provided for filling with a shut-off valve(4).

    An event ball valve (7) and a 10 bar pressure gauge(8) will be mounted on the cover with a 2 way connection.

    A balancing valve (1) and a circulator(3)will be mounted in the loop return circuit.

Once a year*, clean the collector by changing the filter bag or cleaning it by turning it up and cleaning the magnetic bars with a dry rag.

1. Close the inlet and outlet valve.
2. Depressurize by opening the drain valve at the bottom.
3. Open event on top.
4. Loosen the wing bolts to pivot the lid.
5. Take out the spring and the magnetic system and clean with a rag.
6. Remove the filter bag from the stainless steel basket, clean it and/or replace it with a new one.

7.Repositionning the filter bag in the stainless steel basket as well as the bars.
8.Close the filter cover.
9.Close the drain valve.
10.Open the inlet valve until overflow by the event.
11.Close the event.
12.Open the outlet valve.

*For the technical reasons, the sludge collecting filters must be drained regularly according to the state and quantity of water in the circuit, at least once a year. At the time of this maintenance, clean the magnetic bars as well as the stainless steel sieve basket and change the filter bag.

Depending on the height position of the adjustable belt, the dimension "C" is variable.